New! - Journal Entry #12: As we set out on our journey to the Lost City of Atlantis, our only indication of day or night is the sunlight streaming in as rippling ribbons from above; otherwise, the underwater world is one seemingly without time (but with tremendous space). Closer to the surface, we’re encountering seagrasses, kelp, coral, complex communities of inhibited inhabitants, so timid as to be rarely seen by us earth-dwellers. They barely notice us, uninterested as we propel past them. We, however, are extremely alert as we explore this stunning submarine realm while venturing deeper still into the treacherous fathoms below...More later... Journal Entry #13: At this point, it feels like we've been diving for hours. Indeed, the darkness has enveloped us to the point that the only evidence of existence we've encountered is a prehistoric fish with a faux light dangling in front of its monstrous teeth to lure an unsuspecting victim to the end of his life. How ironic that his last moments were so bright (literally): poor thing never saw it coming. Ah! We've finally reached the sea floor and the search for The Lost City can begin in earnest!...More later...